Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back in Brisbane

After a wonderful 5 weeks at home in Michigan, I have returned to the land of sunshine and bright colours. After arriving Sunday morning at 8am, I managed to stay awake until 9pm. I won't say I am 'over' the jetlag, but this time around it wasn't so bad. I returned to my apartment, only to realise (yet again), that I have far too much junk. Or maybe my apartment is too small? No, I don't think that is the case. While unpacking my suitcase, I began simultaneously organising/culling/putting away. I think I'm about halfway through this process. At this stage in my life, the apartment is too small to accommodate tons of stuff, so the solution is to not accumulate too much stuff. Simple. (ha)

I am in the midst of buying a car, which I am finding rather stressful. Depending on what happens with my job situation (still up in the air), I might be able to hold off buying it for a few months. That would probably make me feel a lot better. The way things are now, I need a car to get to where I am working, etc.

My scale tells me I gained 3.5 kilos while I was away in the US. This doesn't really come as a surprise, considering the reckless abandon with which I ate. Lots of large portions, junk food, greasy burgers with fries, and not enough exercise! But now that I am back, the spirit moves me to go forth and exercise! It's hard not to want to get out there and shake it when the weather is fantastic (if not a bit stifling yesterday), or feel too hot to eat much more than chilled watermelon and salad. A few weeks of that and I might lose those gained pounds!

Time for some breakfast, and a bit more organising. Dare I tackle the laundry/storage room?

1 comment:

Ash said...

Hey Lisa! Found my old blog yet? Keep going with yours, it makes for enjoyable reading so far! x